Form Builder
I want to introduce the basic of how to use form builder in rails. If we have a basic title and description page, if we submit the form without no content, we hope it will show some error message. the haml file will looks like this.
%h3 Add a new todo
= form_for @todo do |f|
= f.label :name, "Name"
= f.text_Filed :name
= f.label :description, "Description"
= f.text_area :description, rows: 6
= f.submit "Add this Todo"
Of course you can write if @todo.errors?
, then render all the errors out.
But you can put a my_form_builder.rb
file in the helpers:
class MyFormBuilder < ActionView::Helper::FOrmBuilder
def label(method, text = nil, options = {}, &block)
errors = object.errors[method.to_sym] #object points to @todo in this case. see more if rails doc.
if errors
text += "<span class=\"error\">#{errors.first}</span>"
super(method, text.html_safe, options, &block)
%h3 Add a new todo
= form_for @todo, builder: MyFormBuilder do |f|
= f.label :name, "Name"
= f.text_Filed :name
= f.label :description, "Description"
= f.text_area :description, rows: 6
= f.submit "Add this Todo"
But you have to implement it in every form_for
. If you want every formfor you use this feature, you can write your own formfor in application_helper.rb
if you take a look at rails doc
form_for(record, options = {}, &block)
Creates a form that allows the user to create or update the attributes of a specific model object.
It need record, options, &proc
. So we create our own form_for
also takes this three parameter. But we use ruby hash method: merge!
, to put builder directly inside the options hash:
module ApplicationHelper
def my_form_for(record, options = {}, &proc)
form_for(record, otpions.merge!({builder: MyFormBuilder}), &proc)
Custom Form Builder
- integrate bootstrap, foundation
- lots of customization
- default mappings
- complex.
- use
to show error - also work with bootstrap
- easy to go
- like original rails form